Why Women Shouldn’t Train Like Man: Workout Choice

Why Women Shouldn’t Train Like Man: Sustainable Fitness For the Working Woman

Sustainable Fitness For The Working Woman

By Batista Gremaud

Part 1 of 3: Workout choices

If you are a successful business woman who is trying to get in shape but are not getting the expected results for your efforts, have incurred some type of injury, or are in pain, and is discouraged and ready to give up, then I would like to show you how increasing your strength by 20% to 50% in 20 minutes can assist you in eliminating the three main hurdles busy women entrepreneurs face when trying to get in shape which are:

  • Workout Choice
  • Working Out Like A Male
  • No time

Did you know that a new government study estimates that nearly 80 percent of adult Americans do not get the recommended amounts of exercise each week, potentially setting themselves up for years of health problems Another study found that 1 in 10 deaths worldwide are caused by lack of exercise, (5.3 million deaths) and that lack of physical activity is more predominant among women2. Research suggests that 50%
of persons starting an exercise program will drop out within the first 6 months.

Regardless of all evidence pointing toward benefits of exercise for general physical, mental health and the fatal consequences of lack thereof, so the question one might ask is, what makes it so difficult for women in general to engage in a sustainable fitness regimen?

This report will give the answers you are looking for. The three main hurdles that keep busy women entrepreneur from being in shape and staying in shape, are: Workout Choice, No Time and Working Out Like A Male

The general belief is that cardio promotes weight loss, yoga creates long, lean sculpted bodies or that a local personal trainer will give you the discipline and tools to achieve the body of your dreams. While these statements may hold some truth to them, the notion that all exercise provides maximum opportunity for women’s fitness is a myth. Women, who are sincere in their attempt to get fit, will get discouraged and self defeated when they are not achieving anticipated results. A little education will go along way when choosing a fitness modality that will give you more for your buck, so to speak. Here is a summary of myths and misconceptions.

1  Losing weight with cardio: Aerobic activities facilitate burning calories for only the duration of the chosen activity, it also produces a large amount of cortisol in the body (stress hormone) that suppresses the immune system. This can produce weight gain and inflammation. It is hard on the joints. A better and more efficient way to go is to change the composition of your body by replacing fat cells into muscle cells through
Strength Training. This will further boost your metabolism by enabling you to burn calories up to 72 hours after your training. Strength Training is just as beneficial for heart health as cardio and is known to release massive amounts of mood boosting neurochemicals faster than any other modality.

2. Cross training compounds results and saves time. Beware, these types of trainings are entirely unsustainable, extremely hard on the body and have an average injury rate of 75%. Unless you are a pro athlete training for specific reasons, don’t go there!

3. Achieve a long, lean sculpted body with yoga. Contrary to popular belief, yoga is not a muscle building / sculpting activity. The body is composed of 2 distinctive types of muscle fibers that have specific and individual purposes: Slow-twitch and fast-twitch fibers. Fast-twitch fibers build and sculpt the body, while slow-twitch fibers promote endurance. Working both muscle fiber types is essential to build and
sculpt a strong, lean body. Yoga mainly uses slow-twitch muscle fibers, and isometric contractions that promote endurance, not muscle building.

Whatever your exercise of choice, you must incorporate strength training. Failure to do so may result in joint instability caused by overstretching and a loss of those precious fast-twitch muscle fibers. If a long lean sculpted body you are after, strength training is your activity of choice. Add stretching or yoga on off days.

4. Swimming does offer general health benefits no doubt. However, you could develop an unbalanced body and acquire strong arms and shoulders, while your torso area and legs are not getting defined. Olympic swimmers swim thousands of laps weekly and complement their training with weights. You could also begin to appeasustainable fitnessr pudgier, because the body stores fat in order to keep itself warm in the water. Also some studies show that swimming in cold water stimulates the appetite and creates a desire to eat more, resulting in an increase caloric intake, thus weight gain.

5. Walking can also be a valuable stress relief activity and offer health benefits for the body, mind and spirit. You won’t get fit though, or prevent saggy arms and dimpled thighs. While walking could help in toning your legs somewhat, it does not sculpt or have the capacity to rebuild the lean muscle mass you’ve inevitably already lost if you are not strength training or weight lifting with an inadequate system. Many women think that they will acquire bulky muscles by lifting, so they resort to a strength training system comprised of light weight / high reps, which does not build lean muscle mass. It won’t strengthen your spine either that supports your body’s posture, and you will continue to actually lose overall tone and muscle mass.

Alternative and best choice for maximum results
Actually, strength training is not so new. Ancient Egyptian and Greek societies used weight training to gain strength and measure power. Weight lifting can also be traced to India in the 11th century, where people lifted stone dumbbells to help overcome the challenges of daily life. Strength training in general has gained much popularity in recent years as researches show superior general health benefits to the sport, and more specifically for women, because it has the uncanny ability to rebuild bone mass density and regulate hormonal imbalances and slow down the aging process.

Some of the scientifically proven benefits of strength training include:
• Boosts metabolism
• Regulates hormonal imbalances
• Builds bone density mass (prevents or reverse osteoporosis)
• Reduces risk of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis
• Improves cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity





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Dr Fitness USA






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