Equipment list

strength training for men


Here is a list of our preferred equipment for the programs.

Now is time to investigate your local gyms and check out the equipment. The programs are specifically designed using basic equipment that EVERY decent gym should have. However, you will quickly experience that many gyms even though they seem to be fully equipped, in reality are missing crucial pieces of equipment that would make all the difference in your success.

Most people think that a gym is fully equipped just because they see a few pieces of equipment. Not all equipment is created equal and even though some machines may look similar, they may operate differently and produce different results. Some may even be harmful to your joints and tendons. As such, we included a sheet with a list of the equipment you will need, not only to do program 1, but also, program 1, 2 and 3. In some instances, we’ll give you our preferred brand. These are basic machines that all gyms should have. If most of these machines are missing in your gym, chances are you are in a poor environment and might want to consider relocating.

Print the sheet with the equipment list for all 3 programs, go to your gym and locate the equipment you need based on your program guidelines. It may be necessary for you to visit several gyms before you find one that is adequately equipped. It is worth your while to join a gym that has the proper equipment. Environment can make or break you.

Dr Fitness USA offers gym analysis consultation to assist you in choosing the right gym where you will dramatically increase your chances for success.







